The Snow Abyss

If you are from the south, then you are fully aware of the excitement of a “snow day”.
I mean, what is cooler than waking up in grade school and finding out school is cancelled? Close to nothing.
The southern states are not prepared for the heaps of snow and ice that stick to our roads and therefore, the south
is graced once or twice a year (sometimes more) with “snow days.”  Snow days are kind of like “rain days” for
my fellow California desert inhabitants. The world just kind of shuts down.
Waking up to  a New Carolina snow day brings me back to my childhood.
Except now, instead of snow ice cream, we make mimosas during snow days. Plaid and uggs,
all the way. The most comfortable way to stay warm. For those that have out-casted uggs,
you really should check out their newer lines.  They have come out with so many cool
shoes besides just the classic boot and the classic boot now comes in so many more new
colors and patterns.  Worth checking out, I promise!

IMG_6255Just make sure that while you are drinking your mimosa, you do not get pushed down the stairs.
That can be fatal.  I loved spending time in the snow today because that is something that does not
happen in Orange County.  I was able to be surrounded by college friends whom I
had not seen in months, which was very refreshing.  It was the perfect blessing
to my “break from reality”.
Oh and one last thing, it’s not a snow day without a toboggan.
(check out all of Tilly’s toboggans, they rock)

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